
Rubeus Hagrid cabin chapter 2

Your entire body was aching as you awoke the next morning. You tried to ignore the throbbing in your head and the pain that dominated your body. "Maybe it was just a nightmare," you thought to yourself. You opened your eyes, fully expecting to be in your bed, in your room, surrounded by your things. You expected to hear your mother knocking on your door, telling you to get up. What you did not expect was to be inside a large cabin, in an oversized bed, staring into the face of an extremely large man.

You let out a small scream as a pair of black eyes bore into yours. You felt paralyzed. You wanted to move, but you couldn't. You wanted to ask where you were, who this man was in front of you, what had happened back at your house, but words failed to come out of your mouth.

Finally, the man in front of you smiled and said, "Yer all right, Alex?"

"H-how do you know my n-name?" you asked, shaking slightly.

"I knew yer parents," the man said, looking away from you.

"Where am I?" You had never been more scared in your life.

"Hogwarts School of Witchcraft an' Wizardry," he answered you matter-of-factly. "Me name's Hagrid. I'm the gamekeeper 'round here." He smiled at you.

"Hogwarts?" you asked, confused.

"I don't think it's up ter me ta tell ya 'bout all of this, Alex. I'd better take ya ta see Professor Dumbledore."

"Professor who?" you asked, now totally dumbfounded.

"Hush now, all yer questions will be answered once we see Dumbledore." He pointed to a pile of clothes at the end of your bed, indicating for you to get dressed. You nodded your head and he left the room. You dressed quickly, wondering where you were, who Dumbledore was, and most importantly, what had happened to your parents.

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